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How to put on a positive sunglasses - best aspects and opportunities of a multigenerational workplace
Company Culture Empowerment
How to enclourage Diversity and Inclusion
How to give Feedback as a gift
How to benefit from extracurricular competences of the workforce?
How to build higher self motivation
How to communicate with other generations
How to communicate with various behaviour types, and what is your type?
How to create a health promotion programme for a multigenerational workforce?
How to define incentives for a multicultural workforce?
How to handle conflict in the workplace
How to have effective time-management
How to identify the knowledge of the company?
How to improve internal communication
How to improve teamwork skills
How to improve writing skills
How to implement lifelong learning within the company?
How to improve Interviewing skills
Reverse job shadowing
How to use Trends and IT Innovation
How to improve communication in the workplace
How to achieve better work-life balance
How to be an effective leader
How to do communication pitches
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How to use Digital Marketing
How to do MOOCs for HRD
How to analyse problems
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Mentorship Offer
---Development Area--- The development area of this assignment is to have a "positive sunglass" on multigenerational workplaces. By collecting fruitful cases the acceptance and positive attitude on multigenerationality could be developed in the participants of the mentoring, or in their close working environment. It is of high importance to understand and appreciate multigenerationality at workplaces, real life examples area great help to it. ---The Practical Assignment Brief--- Focusing on real life cases when multigenrationality was a great help or source of prosperity for the company or for a sub-division is fostering to have a better understanding and acceptance on multigenerationality. Junior mentors/mentees - if they haven't got such example - are asked to think of real life examples where the company would have the opportunity to benefit the different generations present at the same company/group/division. ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Develop And Apply Skills In--- detection and evaluation of events, analysing company proceedings, situations, active listening, innovation and creativity, ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Further Develop And Apply Knowledge Of--- recognising positive outcomes, review and analyse past activities, active listening, presentation skills, creativity and strategic thinking ---Task Description--- The pair or small group works on the assignment in 3 steps. 1. They recall company or sub-level success stories that involved workers of two or several generations, each 1 or 2 cases. In case of no real cases they check the company success history. 2. They analyse these cases what was good, how the different generations contributed to the success. 3. After the discussion they brainstorm about new, presently emerging situations where intergenerational aspect could have a great added value for the company/sub-division/group. ---Materials To Be Used--- company success history of last 3-5 years (if available) ---Recommended Timeline--- From one to two sessions, covering 1-3 hours
Mentorship Offer
---Development Area--- Everybody should spend at least 8 hours weekly networking and building professional relationships. Networking can help career development and allow you to get more opportunities. Entrepreneurial and career success can depend a lot on your network. ---The Practical Assignment Brief--- Ideally, two distant generations should participate. Exchanging from older side: how to build the network, with whom and why to keep the contact; from younger side sharing how to use social media for networking ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Develop And Apply Skills In--- professional & business network building & maintenance; using social media for networking ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Further Develop And Apply Knowledge Of--- Types of networking; knowledge about social networks to be used for building & maintenance of network ---Task Description--- Steps to be taken: 1. create pairs or small groups up to 5 persons per group, ideally baby boomers & millennials or Gen Z generation members; 2. arrange the intro call/meeting to: discuss networking, each group introduces its perception and way how their network is built; EXCHANGE info & perception 3. agree on the basic terminology to be used and reasons why the professional network is useful EXCHANGE knowledge; 4. arrange the second meeting focused on system/approach ways of network building from both sides SHARE experience including the useful tools or social media to be used; 5. both sides assign the tasks to the opposite side (older assign to younger ones to prepare the short steps on how to maintain the network, which contacts /people include; younger ones would choose the social media to be explored for network building. ---Materials To Be Used--- Internet, social media, professional networking tools ---Recommended Timeline--- Weekly 45 min meetings, expected 4 in a row, then once monthly based on needs for experience sharing.
Mentorship Offer
---Development Area--- Diversity and Inclusion is a couple of concepts that have been mobilized by some of the major companies, seeking to promote a demonstrated commitment to include employees from different backgrounds. ---The Practical Assignment Brief--- Focus on many techniques and behavior to manage diversity and inclusion inside a company ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Develop And Apply Skills In--- social and managerial skills ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Further Develop And Apply Knowledge Of--- 1. Allows you to master the key aspects of diversity and inclusion 2. Mastering conversational skills for inclusion 3. Learn intercultural differences 4. Explore the impact of culture and values on work environments 5. Learn how to solve cultural conflicts 6. Find out how organizational culture impacts the business 7. Learn to handle cultural changes. ---Task Description--- Write a conversation between you and a person from another culture, or background or gender identity, using inclusive vocabulary. ---Materials To Be Used--- Computer ---Recommended Timeline--- once a week
Mentorship Offer
---Development Area--- getting & receiving feedback; understanding the generational language differences & specificities ---The Practical Assignment Brief--- Ideally, two distant generations should participate. Exchanging info & navigating & mentoring each other in the area of giving & receiving feedback ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Develop And Apply Skills In--- giving & receiving feedback, working with feedback message; ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Further Develop And Apply Knowledge Of--- Understanding of different view of generations on working with feedback ---Task Description--- Steps to be taken: 1.create pairs, or groups ideally of BB or/and millenial or Gen Z generation members; 2. set a series of meetings, discuss the feedback usefulness & need (focus on details of different views & expectations of generations while working with feedback) 3. write down & discuss again what the both sides like & dislike about both views; 4. mentored groups or persons then change the roles & act as their counterparts; afterwards the feelings & observations should be shared & discussed to reach the mutual understanding ---Materials To Be Used--- Online materials on feedback while describing the task e.g. materials on feedback, types practical advice on the various types of feedback and feedforward, including when it’s not appropriate ( ; Memos from feedback sessions ---Recommended Timeline--- at least 6 meetings of 45 min each to be held weekly in the row
Mentorship Offer
---Development Area--- Leading is the area of development that centres on positive skills, attitudes, and behaviours around company life involvement and personal goal setting. Thriving centres on attitudes, skills, and behaviours that are demonstrated by maintaining optimal physical and emotional well-being ---The Practical Assignment Brief--- focused on promotion of personal development; personal resiliency building and encouraging group participation as well as collaboration with other individuals and groups ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Develop And Apply Skills In--- • an ability to articulate personal values • a sense of responsibility to self and others • an ability to assess working situations and avoid unduly risky conditions and activities • improving self-advocacy and conflict resolution skills to fortify leadership skills and self-esteem. ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Further Develop And Apply Knowledge Of--- • building personal resiliency • mediation and conflict resolution • team dynamics and project management • anti-peer pressure strategies ---Task Description--- The pair meets once a week and they practice PERMA - Positive emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning and Accomplishment (M. Seligman, 2011). They both discuss situations that occured during the week based on this scheme. The purpose of this exercise it to willingly work on one´s psychohygiene, build mutual trust and awareness, taking things into perspective, thus build personal resilience. ---Materials To Be Used--- Track and Measure Success worksheet: The adjustment of the worksheet is allowed. ---Recommended Timeline--- 1 session once a week at least for 1 month (preferably longer)
Mentorship Offer
---Development Area--- Development areas are holistic thinking and social competence in dealing with other employees. The knowledge, skills and competences of the workforce as a whole encompass much more than just the professional area. Every person has interests and hobbies that enable them to acquire further competences, which in turn can also be valuable in a professional context. Older and younger employees cover a wide range of interests and resulting competences. ---The Practical Assignment Brief--- Identify extracurricular competences of the mixed-age workforce, determine valuable competences for the company, deal with these additional competences in a respectful way in the company ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Develop And Apply Skills In--- Social competence, Analytical skills, Systematic-methodical approach, Assessment skills, Result-oriented action ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Further Develop And Apply Knowledge Of--- Holistic thinking, Employee development, Lifelong learning ---Task Description--- The participating employees from different generations have the common goal to identify external and additional competences and qualifications of their colleagues and to use these competences in an appreciative way towards the employees and in favour of the company's interests. (Example: An employee may be involved in the fire brigade or in first aid in his/her spare time. He/she is particularly sensitised to recognise possible sources of danger in the building or on machines and equipment. This potential can be very helpful for a company in case it gives the individual the opportunity to get involved accordingly). The task for the two employees is to elicit the extracurricular competences of their age group in the company. The common overarching goal is to work out a company solution that appreciates the additional competences of the employees and also promotes the exchange between young and old. 1. Identify extracurricular competences of employees 2. Which of these competences are employees willing to share with the company and colleagues? 3. Analyse the competences and their benefits for the company 4. Design of a suitable platform how such competences can be shared and used in a sustainable and appreciative way by all generations (e.g. company suggestion system, focus groups, projects). ---Materials To Be Used--- Interviews of employees Tools for analysis and planning ---Recommended Timeline--- The task can be an impetus for a permanent activity of the company for the medium to long term.
Mentorship Offer
---Development Area--- Self-motivation is an inner engine that drives us to performance and complete tasks and duties efficiently. It is a set of attitudes and values impelling to achieve without higher-level supervision. ---The Practical Assignment Brief--- Adopting positive and constructive work attitudes that facilitate work process; fostering healthy self-confidence and determination. ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Develop And Apply Skills In--- ability to admit a mistake rather than blame it on others; high goal orientation; ability to focus; viewing problems as challenge; constant evaluation of performance and developing ways to improve; having a clear vision ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Further Develop And Apply Knowledge Of--- fosters communication skills; enhances personal resilience; conflict resolution strategies; strong and trustfull relationships ---Task Description--- The task for the both employees is the same - create a vision board. It should include work goals and aspirations which foster goal orientation. Visual stimuli are very effective and very hard to ignore. The task of the pair (preferably from different generations) is to add small activity which would force the other to go out of a comfort zone a little. It requires a good knowledge of another person (colleague). It develops self motivation and boosts intergenerational relationships, creating fun and positive atmosphere. ---Materials To Be Used--- Motivational workboard ---Recommended Timeline--- long-term activity (at least couple of months)
Mentorship Offer
---Development Area--- The development area of this assignment is to understand in real life - or hypothetical if there is no real life experience - cases the importance of different communication patterns when addressing a different generation in company communication. It is of high importance to understand and be able apply in real life situations the diverse communication that is needed when talking to a different generation. ---The Practical Assignment Brief--- Focusing on the different communication patterns and best practices in multigenerational communication, real life cases are discussed from the different view pointed of participants. Discovering the role of differentiation in communication. ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Develop And Apply Skills In--- To improve these skills: Communication skills, Active listening and empathy, Creativity, Self-awareness and emotional intelligence ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Further Develop And Apply Knowledge Of--- Ease communication with other generations, improve intergenerational understanding ---Task Description--- The pair or small group works on the assignment in 3 steps. 1. They recall intergenerational communication cases at the company, each 1 or 2 cases. In case of no real cases they check the hypothetical cases developed. 2. They analyse these cases what was good, what could have been done differently, 3. After a discussion they create a "tips for intergenerational communication" sheet. (This list of tips could be used as internal support paper for improving communication inside the company.) ---Materials To Be Used--- hypothetical intergenerational communication cases ---Recommended Timeline--- From one to two sessions, covering 1-3 hours
Mentorship Offer
---Development Area--- Development area is social competence. Health is a sensitive issue for younger and older people. Sick employees who cannot carry out their professional activities suffer because their colleagues have to take on additional tasks. At the same time, additional costs arise in the company (e.g. overtime, wages for sick days). In the end, every company is interested in physically and mentally healthy employees. It is therefore in the interest of the company to preventively promote the health of each individual. The development of preventive measures therefore requires sensitivity in dealing with other people of different age groups. ---The Practical Assignment Brief--- Conception for age-mixed health offers within the framework of Corporate Health Management ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Develop And Apply Skills In--- Empathy, Initiative, Creativity, Innovativeness, Social Commitment. ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Further Develop And Apply Knowledge Of--- Health, Medicine, Employee Development, Cost Management ---Task Description--- In their joint session, it is important to find ideas on health offers for employees that are suitable for employees of different ages (e.g. yoga, dance, first aid course). This is to ensure that beyond maintaining health, the formation of mixed-age groups generates additional benefits for the company. ---Materials To Be Used--- Analysis of offers from the health sector (e.g. local providers, courses) ---Recommended Timeline--- Two sessions for brainstorming, a repetition from time to time is appropriate to update the offers.
Mentorship Offer
---Development Area--- The main development areas of this task are creativity, empathy and employee development. Which incentives are motivating for which employees? Are there differences between the generations? By working as a mixed-age team, the needs of all employees in the company can be considered. ---The Practical Assignment Brief--- Develop creative proposals for motivating incentives in an age-mixed workforce. ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Develop And Apply Skills In--- Creativity, Empathy, Result-oriented action ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Further Develop And Apply Knowledge Of--- Project management, Market knowledge, Organisational skills ---Task Description--- Together, mentor and mentee define possible incentives that are attractive to the different generations. For this purpose, they compile different ideas. The characteristics of these ideas they evaluate on several levels (e.g. according to suitability for certain age and interest groups). It is possible to conduct this task in a digital mode: With online meetings of mentor and mentee and the creation of a digital pinboard (e.g. Padlet, Jamboard). ---Materials To Be Used--- Internet research Digital tools ---Recommended Timeline--- Depending on the desired scope, the task may take half a day or several meetings and research phases.
Mentorship Offer
---Development Area--- The development area centres on creating positive working relationships among co-workers as well as on learning how to handle potential conflict situations. Conflicts in the workplace are successfully handled when the source is identified, responsibilities are taken, and each party feels heard and valued. ---The Practical Assignment Brief--- The assignment is focused on promotion of healthy interactions among co-workers; conflict management strategies are provided; workplace mediation training activities are proposed. ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Develop And Apply Skills In--- • Active listening • Collaborative problem solving • Negotiation and teamwork skills • Impartiality • Encouraging self-expression and trust • Mediation ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Further Develop And Apply Knowledge Of--- • Mediation and conflict resolution • Assertive communication techniques • Team dynamics and collaboration • Negotiation strategies • Stress management ---Task Description--- Participants work in groups of three people. The assignment takes place in 3 steps: 1. Participants share their experiences about dealing with conflict situations and identify best practices and areas of improvement 2. A hypothetical conflict situation is presented to participants who will individually write down the best conflict resolution techniques in their opinion 3. Participants share the techniques they proposed, discuss their choices, and jointly reach the best solution to the hypothetical conflict situation. Finally, they share knowledge on conflict management strategies as well as on activities to improve mediation skills ---Materials To Be Used--- Hypothetical conflict situations ---Recommended Timeline--- 1 session of 1 hour and 30 minutes
Mentorship Offer
---Development Area--- Good time management allows for an employee to secure high quality of work and enables to aim for seemingly impossible goals. If well handled, it allows to relieve work pressure and stress. Mostly focused on skills and tools rather than behaviour. ---The Practical Assignment Brief--- Focused on techniques that help to organise workload wisely; time management as a crucial skill for every worker that wish to be more effective in their job ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Develop And Apply Skills In--- prioritizing tasks to ensure enough time for successful project, task or assignement completion; creating realistic deadlines; the ability to delegate; ability to differentiate what is urgent and what is not; freeing up time to focus on more important tasks ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Further Develop And Apply Knowledge Of--- effective leadership; improved quality of life (work and personal); reduced procrastination; organisational skills ---Task Description--- The paired couple (preferably the employee known for his good time management and the one who wishes to improve it) write down their daily activities in 5 minutes intervals. Then they compare it and try to identify problematic time zones, "blank spaces" and procrastination. They discuss how the time can be distributed more effectively, how to prioritize and organize work tasks. Technology can be used as well (apps for good time managament, calendar,scheduling tools ...). It is advised to meet after a couple of days to see if there is any space for further improvement. ---Materials To Be Used--- Hypothetical conflict situations ---Recommended Timeline--- A list of daily activities
Mentorship Offer
---Development Area--- Important development areas are innovativeness, openness to change and a willingness to shape the future. With the termination of employment - whether fluctuation or retirement - the company loses more than just a worker. Every employee has generated knowledge in the course of their work in the company, which can be lost for the company when they leave. Especially the knowledge of older employees is very valuable and its transfer to younger employees is a benefit for the company. ---The Practical Assignment Brief--- Development of a concept for knowledge management with special consideration of the mixed-age workforce ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Develop And Apply Skills In--- Innovativeness, openness to change, creative drive and result-oriented action. ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Further Develop And Apply Knowledge Of--- Conceptual strength, Organisational skills and Analytical skills ---Task Description--- Mentor and mentee analyse different scientific concepts on knowledge management (e.g. SECI model) and consider - depending on the industry, type of company and size - in which form the "knowledge of the company" can be determined. It is particularly important to consider what knowledge is lost when employees leave the company. What kind of knowledge of the employees who retire is important for the company and the other colleagues? The task could be expanded in further steps to include the following questions: - How can this knowledge be documented? - How is it made available to others? - How does the transfer of knowledge take place? ---Materials To Be Used--- Analysis tools ---Recommended Timeline--- Several meetings are required for a first concept. The result, in turn, can be a first step towards a permanent activity of the company for the medium to long term.
Mentorship Offer
---Development Area--- Internal communication is the sharing of information for business purposes. Identifying, nurturing, and promoting the different types of internal communication requires us to understand their different goals, what tools work for different types, where each type has its place in the wider internal communications strategy, and the appropriate tone or style for each. Informal communication could also be an area to discover. ---The Practical Assignment Brief--- Focusing on the tools and methods to use for internal communication in the company. Discovering the role of informal internal communication. ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Develop And Apply Skills In--- ability to map personal communication techniques, improving informal internal communication, fully understand the mechanisms of internal communication, developing written and oral communication skills ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Further Develop And Apply Knowledge Of--- knowing new communication tools, internal communication tools, conflict resolution, intergenerational understanding and acceptance, tolerance ---Task Description--- The pair works on the assignemnt in 4 steps. They explore and analyze their own communication tools and techniques in the company and they set up a swot analysis on the overall communication strategy of the company with their roles and functions inside. They discuss the explored results and set up areas to be improved. The pair helps each other in sharing knowledge and fill in the gaps of the participants. ---Materials To Be Used--- Worksheet for internal communication ---Recommended Timeline--- 1-2 hours in 1 or 2 sessions
Mentorship Offer
---Development Area--- The development area centres on creating a collaborative work environment, and on learning how to effectively communicate while actively listening to others. Good teamwork skills are achieved when collaboration among co-workers is effective and efficient, and a harmonious office environment is created. ---The Practical Assignment Brief--- The assignment is focused on promotion of a collaborative working approach; teamwork and mutual support strategies are provided; team building activities are proposed. ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Develop And Apply Skills In--- • Working towards a common goal • Respecting boundaries • Giving and receiving feedback • Collaborative problem solving • Effective communication • Participative leadership ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Further Develop And Apply Knowledge Of--- • Team building strategies • Mediation and conflict resolution • Time management • Team dynamics and project management • Communication strategies ---Task Description--- Participants work in groups of four people. The assignment takes place in 4 steps: 1. Participants share their experiences about working with colleagues and point out examples of both good and bad teamwork situations they faced during their careers 2. Participants identify best practices and areas of improvement in each other's experiences and share knowledge about the most important teamwork skills and how to develop them 3. During the second session of the assignment, participants carry out a task requiring teamwork and apply the knowledge acquired during the previous session 4. Participants discuss their group performance and identify further areas of improvement ---Materials To Be Used--- Teamwork tasks ---Recommended Timeline--- Teamwork tasks -ez igy van a wordben is
Mentorship Offer
---Development Area--- Writing skills are not just about correct grammar, a solid grasp of writing techniques can give career a boost. It applies everywhere, from writing an impressive CV, to writing grant applications, press release, email writing or posting on a social media. ---The Practical Assignment Brief--- effective expressing values and ideas in a written form; fostering writing expression; communicating with large audience ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Develop And Apply Skills In--- being clear on concepts; organizing thoughts; explaining arguments; using proper style based on the audience; avoiding miscommunication; improving self- presentation a persuation skills; improving argumentation and negotiation skills ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Further Develop And Apply Knowledge Of--- ● communication skills; ● job effectivity; ● critical thinking ● reaching a bigger audience, or a particular community ---Task Description--- The pair has the same assignement - to write an email, short press release, post on social media (this is highly dependent on the sector employees work at). Then they compare it and discuss the correct and incorrect ways how to express an idea in a written form. This also requires good editor skills of a more experienced colleague. The use of writing applications is also encouraged (eg. Grammarly,...). ---Materials To Be Used--- Possible use of applications. ---Recommended Timeline--- 1 or two sessions (as needed)
Mentorship Offer
---Development Area--- Lifelong learning is becoming increasingly important in today's global knowledge society. This is why it is also important for companies to make use of all opportunities for formal and non-formal learning for employees of all ages. But where are such learning places in the company? In what way should learning take place? Do younger and older employees have different answers to these questions? ---The Practical Assignment Brief--- Identify learning settings in the company, determine learning styles and learning environments, find age-appropriate solutions for all employees ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Develop And Apply Skills In--- Holistic thinking, Analytical skills, Systematic-methodical approach, Assessment skills, Cooperation skills, Innovative spirit, Ethical action, Giving impulses, Social commitment ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Further Develop And Apply Knowledge Of--- Lifelong learning, sustainable education, staff development ---Task Description--- Both employees have the same task, which they each solve from the perspective of their age group and with the support of employees of their generation. The common overarching goal is to develop a company solution that suits employees of all ages and promotes exchange between young and old. 1. Identifying learning settings in the company 2. How and what do employees want to learn (in a group, individually, learning by doing, with instruction, digital content, e-learning, etc.)? 3. Analysis of responses and needs 4. Creating a concept of lifelong learning within the company ---Materials To Be Used--- (Digital) surveys of employees, analysis tools ---Recommended Timeline--- The implementation of the activity takes several months in the style of a project
Mentorship Offer
---Development Area--- job interview content/focus/how to 'get the job' & possible use of online tools for job interview: tips & tricks ---The Practical Assignment Brief--- HRD manager and HR recruiter or employee: millenial or Z gen member working on mode & content of job interview ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Develop And Apply Skills In--- digital literacy, job interviewing skills ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Further Develop And Apply Knowledge Of--- tools for online job interviewing use; building the scenario for job interview based on generation specific features ---Task Description--- Steps to be taken: 1.create pairs, ideally HRD managers & rexruiter or/and millenial or Gen Z generation members; 2. set a series of meetings, discuss the modes job interviews used in the company and their pros&cons of (focus on flexibility of online interviewing, threats of not having live contact with applicants & possible loss of the best candidates if insisting on F2F interview); compare these; 3. choose & try online IW tool; 4. share the feedback, discuss next steps and possible use of the online IW in company 1. Identifying learning settings in the company 2. How and what do employees want to learn (in a group, individually, learning by doing, with instruction, digital content, e-learning, etc.)? 3. Analysis of responses and needs 4. Creating a concept of lifelong learning within the company ---Materials To Be Used--- Internet, chosen online interviewing tool, ---Recommended Timeline--- at least 4 weekly meetings in the row, then 1 call using chosen interviewing (IW) tool, & at least 2 more meetings on feedback & discussions
Mentorship Offer
---Development Area--- Exchanging and sharing theoretical & practical knowledge as well as the company intelligence topics ---The Practical Assignment Brief--- Ideally, two distant generations should participate. Starting with part1 when e.g. a younger participant joins the older one for the whole day as a shadow to see & feel how the job really feels. During that day the shadower can even fulfil some tasks (put hands on). After this the whole day should be discussed/assessed, discussing impressions, ups & downs, could be also connected to the feedback assignment. The second part goes exactly the same way but in reverse direction. After 2 parts are finished, they should be compared and the conclusions might focus both participants to improvement performance or changing habits ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Develop And Apply Skills In--- 1. ability to ask questions like these: What made you choose this career? What education do you need to become employed in this field? If you could go back, would you change anything? 2. Hands-on experience: possibility to observe how tasks are completed or even complete them yourself: beneficial for narrowing down a specific path 3. Networking ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Further Develop And Apply Knowledge Of--- company culture; management; setting the development goals; personal development; intergenerational communication and learning ---Task Description--- Job shadowing in workplace mentorships can be a great opportunity to learn from an experienced employee but also vice versa more senior employee can learn from his younger peer. Mentees following mentors around for a day can help them gain insight into the company, senior positions and responsibilities in the company, and help them set career goals. This mentoring process can also work both ways. Reverse mentoring is where a mentor shadows their mentee to gain an understanding of their world. ---Materials To Be Used--- Written feedback ---Recommended Timeline--- two days of shadowing then at least one hour meeting to share, discuss and exchange impressions, feelings, observetions & conclusions
Mentorship Offer
---Development Area--- Innovation is a a key strategic driver for organizations. Being able to look at current trends will lead to innovartion. Motivation to be first is what gave us strengh to move ahead. Innovation is not the result of a lone genius, it is more a collaborative process. People from many different parts of the organization contribute to the creation of new ideas. ---The Practical Assignment Brief--- Focus on imagination and creation to give innovation ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Develop And Apply Skills In--- creativity skills ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Further Develop And Apply Knowledge Of--- 1. Understanding that innovation intervenes at all levels of the company. 2. Gets that a step back is essential to innovate 3. Gets that creativity is essential 4.Gets that it is a process as soon as you start to think differently 5. Leads to challenge one’s achievements 6. Follow one’s intuitions 7. Allows us to surpass ourselves ---Task Description--- Create a weekly event where you'll gather a maximum of 10 people per group from the company and they will submit their ideas. You will need to create the events. ---Materials To Be Used--- computer ---Recommended Timeline--- one group every week
Mentorship Offer
---Development Area--- The development area centres on creating an effectively communicating team consisting of people who efficiently cooperate and share knowledge. Good communication skills are reflected in harmonious relationships among co-workers, cooperativeness, accuracy, and improved work performances. ---The Practical Assignment Brief--- The assignment is focused on promotion of significant interactions in the workplace; strategies for an effective transmission and reception of information are provided; verbal and nonverbal communication activities are proposed. ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Develop And Apply Skills In--- ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Further Develop And Apply Knowledge Of--- ● Verbal, nonverbal, and written communication techniques ● Mediation and conflict management ● Team dynamics and collaboration ● Leadership styles ● Intergenerational understanding ● Informal internal communication ---Task Description--- Option A for 4 participants Participants work in groups of four. The assignment takes place in 4 steps: 1. Two participants start talking about the (inner) communication of their organisation for about 15 minutes through concrete examples while the other two take notes on the conversation taking place 2. Participants exchange roles 3. The four participants share their remarks and together identify best practices and areas of improvement. They also share knowledge about key communication skills and activities to improve them 4. During the second session of the assignment, participants exchange pairs and repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 in the light of the conclusions reached and the knowledge acquired during the previous session Option B for 2 participants The assignment takes place in 4 steps: 1. Finding a good example: The participants start talking about the (inner) communication of their organisation for about 10-15 minutes through concrete examples, they search for a good example they have experienced, noting their roles and feelings of the situation. 2. Finding a bad example: The participants start talking about the (inner) communication of their organisation for about 10-15 minutes through concrete examples, they search for a bad example they have experienced, noting their roles and feelings of the situation. 3. They analyse both situations and share their remarks, and together identify areas of improvement (for themselves or for the organisation as a whole). They also share knowledge about key communication skills and activities to improve them. 4. They both summarise the key elements and findings of the assignment for themselves as an individual. (Optionally they could finish these sentences: “For me the most important feedback is that….”, In my future communication I will try to…..”, “Our organisation should focus more on……in its communication.”, “I feel better in communication situations if ……”, ) ---Materials To Be Used--- Notebook/papers to take notes ---Recommended Timeline--- 2 sessions of 1 hour each
Mentorship Offer
---Development Area--- The development area centres on creating healthy boundaries between work and personal life, developing flexibility, and setting priorities. A better work-life balance is obtained when physical and mental well-being is achieved, the overall happiness is improved, and both the personal and professional areas of life are in harmony. ---The Practical Assignment Brief--- The assignment is focused on promotion of personal and professional development; strategies to achieve work-life balance are provided and their implementation is encouraged. ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Develop And Apply Skills In--- • Making planning a habit • Setting boundaries and priorities • Learning to delegate • Improving organizational skills as well as flexibility • Communicating one’s needs ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Further Develop And Apply Knowledge Of--- • Balancing personal and professional life • Organizational and communication strategies • Productivity techniques • Time management • Self-improvement ---Task Description--- Participants work in groups of three people. The assignment takes place in 4 steps: 1. Participants share their experiences about managing personal and professional life and identify best practices and areas of improvement 2. Participants select from the best practices shared as well as from the techniques aiming at improving work-life balance, and commit to apply them daily for two weeks 3. Participants daily record the new habits implemented in their personal and professional lives 4. During the second session, participants repeat step 1 and share the improvements achieved ---Materials To Be Used--- Journal to record new habits ---Recommended Timeline--- 2 sessions of 1 hour each held at a distance of two weeks
Mentorship Offer
---Development Area--- Presentation skills are becoming more and more desirable regardless of the sector; specific ability to give an effective presentation working both with an audience and with the topic. The pitch is an impactful presentation tool. It is a short powerful presentation of a project or an idea in a short time. ---The Practical Assignment Brief--- The focus is on pitch techniques. The pitch helps to develop the ability to speak in public with a well-calibrated speech. The pitch also promotes the development of its visibility with a message whose transmission is facilitated. It can be used on a variety of occasions and tasks, such as seeking investment or presenting a new idea. ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Develop And Apply Skills In--- ● self-presentation - gaining healthy confidence; ● using verbal and non-verbal communication; ● ability to "sell" an idea ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Further Develop And Apply Knowledge Of--- ● gives the power to project entrepreneurs; ● allows to work on stress management; ● facilitates quicker transmission of the idea to the audience; ● public speaking; ● research and analytical skills; ● persuasion ---Task Description--- This task has two parts: 1. The pitch itself. Write a pitch for a certain topic, for example, a new concept or a product. You will have 3 minutes to do your pitch. 2 Soft skills - a more experienced colleague teaches how to communicate in a verbal and non-verbal manner (eye contact, tone of voice, body language,). ---Materials To Be Used--- A written preparation. ---Recommended Timeline--- Once a month.
Mentorship Offer
---Development Area--- The development area centres on creating good leaders, and thus satisfied employees. On the one hand, effective leadership is reflected in increased workforce productivity, low turnover rates, and high employee motivation. On the other, it is reflected in confident, inspiring, highly communicative, and purpose-driven leaders. ---The Practical Assignment Brief--- The assignment is focused on promotion of strategic and effective leadership styles; techniques to put these styles into practice are provided; leadership building activities are proposed. ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Develop And Apply Skills In--- • Active listening and empathy • Mediation • Communication skills • Innovation and creativity • Decision-making • Results orientation • Self-awareness and emotional intelligence ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Further Develop And Apply Knowledge Of--- • Leadership styles • People management • Mediation and conflict resolution • Negotiation strategies • Delegation techniques ---Task Description--- Participants work in pairs. The assignment takes place in 3 steps: 1. Participants share their experiences as leaders and as followers and identify best practices and areas of improvement. They also discuss leadership styles and leadership building activities 2. In turn, a hypothetical leadership situation is presented to one of the two participants in the pair. The other one will act instead as follower 3. After both participants have acted once as leaders and once as followers, they will comment on their performances and the improvements achieved with respect to what discussed in step 1 ---Materials To Be Used--- Hypothetical leadership situations ---Recommended Timeline--- 1 session of 1 hour and 30 minutes
Mentorship Offer
---Development Area--- Presentation skills are becoming more and more desirable regardless of the sector; specific ability to give an effective presentation working both with an audience and with the topic. The pitch is an impactful presentation tool. It is a short powerful presentation of a project or an idea in a short time. ---The Practical Assignment Brief--- The focus is on pitch techniques. The pitch helps to develop the ability to speak in public with a well-calibrated speech. The pitch also promotes the development of its visibility with a message whose transmission is facilitated. It can be used on a variety of occasions and tasks, such as seeking investment or presenting a new idea. ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Develop And Apply Skills In--- ● self-presentation - gaining healthy confidence; ● using verbal and non-verbal communication; ● ability to "sell" an idea ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Further Develop And Apply Knowledge Of--- ● gives the power to project entrepreneurs; ● allows to work on stress management; ● facilitates quicker transmission of the idea to the audience; ● public speaking; ● research and analytical skills; ● persuasion ---Task Description--- This task has two parts: 1. The pitch itself. Write a pitch for a certain topic, for example, a new concept or a product. You will have 3 minutes to do your pitch. 2 Soft skills - a more experienced colleague teaches how to communicate in a verbal and non-verbal manner (eye contact, tone of voice, body language,). ---Materials To Be Used--- A written preparation. ---Recommended Timeline--- Once a month.
Mentorship Offer
---Development Area--- Digital marketing uses digital channels to sell a product or promote a brand to consumers. It is based on the development of the use of the Internet and connected objects. Websites, social networks, mobile sites, apps, GPS, podcast, online videos are at the heart of digital marketing. The goal of digital marketing is to increase visits to the site, to transform these visits into purchase acts and to retain the customer by establishing a regular relationship with him. digital becomes essential for companies to communicate with their target and improve their brand image through their e-reputation. ---The Practical Assignment Brief--- We need to focus on creating a real community around the brand thanks to digital marketing. Through social networks, customer loyalty is simplified, and a strong relationship can be established with it. ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Develop And Apply Skills In--- communication via emailing/ Digital marketing skills ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Further Develop And Apply Knowledge Of--- 1. Allows you to keep in touch with prospects who have given you willingly with their contact details. 2. Automatisation of emails through marketing automation tools (distributing blog posts, newsletters or various events) 3. Keep in mind to avoid harassing your clients by sending them unwanted emails. ---Task Description--- The paired couple need to create a newletter that will be distributed weekly to the prostects. ---Materials To Be Used--- emailing software ---Recommended Timeline--- once a week
Mentorship Offer
---Development Area--- The development area centres on creating good leaders, and thus satisfied employees. On the one hand, effective leadership is reflected in increased workforce productivity, low turnover rates, and high employee motivation. On the other, it is reflected in confident, inspiring, highly communicative, and purpose-driven leaders. ---The Practical Assignment Brief--- The assignment is focused on promotion of strategic and effective leadership styles; techniques to put these styles into practice are provided; leadership building activities are proposed. ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Develop And Apply Skills In--- • Active listening and empathy • Mediation • Communication skills • Innovation and creativity • Decision-making • Results orientation • Self-awareness and emotional intelligence ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Further Develop And Apply Knowledge Of--- • Leadership styles • People management • Mediation and conflict resolution • Negotiation strategies • Delegation techniques ---Task Description--- Participants work in pairs. The assignment takes place in 3 steps: 1. Participants share their experiences as leaders and as followers and identify best practices and areas of improvement. They also discuss leadership styles and leadership building activities 2. In turn, a hypothetical leadership situation is presented to one of the two participants in the pair. The other one will act instead as follower 3. After both participants have acted once as leaders and once as followers, they will comment on their performances and the improvements achieved with respect to what discussed in step 1 ---Materials To Be Used--- Hypothetical leadership situations ---Recommended Timeline--- 1 session of 1 hour and 30 minutes
Mentorship Offer
---Development Area--- Presentation skills are becoming more and more desirable regardless of the sector; specific ability to give an effective presentation working both with an audience and with the topic. The pitch is an impactful presentation tool. It is a short powerful presentation of a project or an idea in a short time. ---The Practical Assignment Brief--- The focus is on pitch techniques. The pitch helps to develop the ability to speak in public with a well-calibrated speech. The pitch also promotes the development of its visibility with a message whose transmission is facilitated. It can be used on a variety of occasions and tasks, such as seeking investment or presenting a new idea. ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Develop And Apply Skills In--- ● self-presentation - gaining healthy confidence; ● using verbal and non-verbal communication; ● ability to "sell" an idea ---The Practical Assignment Should Allow To Further Develop And Apply Knowledge Of--- ● gives the power to project entrepreneurs; ● allows to work on stress management; ● facilitates quicker transmission of the idea to the audience; ● public speaking; ● research and analytical skills; ● persuasion ---Task Description--- This task has two parts: 1. The pitch itself. Write a pitch for a certain topic, for example, a new concept or a product. You will have 3 minutes to do your pitch. 2 Soft skills - a more experienced colleague teaches how to communicate in a verbal and non-verbal manner (eye contact, tone of voice, body language,). ---Materials To Be Used--- A written preparation. ---Recommended Timeline--- Once a month.